Happiness is a State of Being

Happiness is a State of Being
Joy and love is your natural state of being.  You either choose to allow it to flow, or you block it.  It doesn't magically appear when you "get something" or have an experience.  It's an energy that lives within you and you are the only one who allows it to flow or blocks it from flowing.  That's why you feel "bad" because this natural vibration is blocked like a river dam.  We are always looking outside of ourselves to experience this natural state of joy, but all we have to do is look within.  Take a breath and notice this ever flowing life force energy.  Our breath is our awareness back to our true self.  Our breath connects us back to our own Inner Being who only knows love.  When you are not in alignment with your Inner Being (state of love and joy), you feel discomfort because those emotions are not experienced by your true Self - the source of who you really are which is pure love. 

Every moment is a new opportunity to experience peace, love and joy.  Bring awareness to this moment and capture the beauty in this awareness as you observe life around you.  Notice the trees, flowers, sunshine, smile on a child's face, the comfort of your home, your cup of coffee or tea.  Every moment is a new opportunity to feel and sense joy and love.  

Of course, there are moments that are difficult, uncomfortable and painful.  During these times, we must honour what we are feeling.  But this is still an opportunity to become aware of being in this moment.  Thank the emotions for coming up as they are there to be acknowledged and released.  Once we experience more love and joy in our lives by becoming aware of our breath and being present, we experience this more often.  And in times of discomfort, we can allow these shifts to happen more quickly and are able to experience them in a more gentle way.

We all have desires, that is part of life and that is good, but we all have the capacity to tune into this awareness of love and joy that lives inside of us in any given moment.  We don't have to wait for something external to happen to experience joy.  Joy is just a breath away.  You can choose to let it flow or block it.  How will you choose today?

With love,

By the way...if you need some relaxation in your life, click the link below to get access to my FREE Yoga Nidra Guided meditation for relaxation. 

The information presented here is for entertainment and informational purposes only.  The information in this post is subject to interpretation and is an expression of opinion.  It is not intended for, and does not replace professional, medical, legal, business, and/or health related opinions and advice. It is not a substitute for counselling or any other type of therapy, or medical advice from qualified professionals.  

3 Tips for Making the Most out of your Yoga Nidra Meditation Practice

Get the Most out of your Yoga Nidra Practice!

Hey there!  I'm so happy you're here! That must mean you've signed up for my FREE Yoga Nidra guided meditation for relaxation!  So excited for you. I hope you love it and make time to fit this into your daily self care routine.  

If you don't have access yet, you can sign up HERE to start listening right away.

Now that you can listen whenever you want, I want to give you some tips on how to make the most out of your practice. 

A main part of Yoga Nidra is creating an affirmation to use as the focus for your meditation.  If you haven't listened yet, you will have an opportunity to create an affirmation (positive statement) that aligns with your heart's desire. This is why I love Yoga Nidra so much. It combines relaxation with focusing on a desire that we have to feel a certain way, or accomplish something. I can tell you from experience that it's an unbelievable feeling when you start to see your desire unfold for you in your everyday life!

So....I want to make sure you're getting the most out of your practice each time you do it.  Here are three tips for getting the most out of your affirmation:

1.  When it's time to create an intention during practice, make sure it's in the PRESENT tense!  For example, if your desire is to be healthy and strong, don't say "I will be healthy and strong", or "I want to be healthy and strong".  It's much more powerful to state your desire as the truth (as if it's already come true) because when you do that, you'll be in alignment with your desire and not just hoping that one day it will happen.

 2.  Write that puppy down!  When I have a new affirmation that I'm working towards, I write it on a sticky note and post it on my bathroom mirror.  That way, I see it in the morning and at night before I go to bed.  Don't just wait to practice Yoga Nidra to recite your affirmation, keep that as a focus in your life and watch as it unfolds for you.

3.  Keep using the same affirmation. When practicing Yoga Nidra, it helps to keep the same affirmation until it becomes real for you. That's why this practice is so beneficial. It helps you to focus on a desire and to eventually see it realize in your life! 
  • However, don't feel like you can never switch out your affirmation. Remember, this is your practice and you can use it however it serves you.  While I like to work towards my overall desire, sometimes I'm feeling anxious or upset about a certain situation.  In this case, I will create a new intention as the focus for my meditation that day to help me overcome my emotions. Then, next time I practice, I go back to my original affirmation. 
Ok, so now you have a solid foundation for your affirmation.  Here are the three steps again:
  1.  Make sure it's phrased in the present tense
  2.  Write it down so you can remember it (and see it daily)
  3.  Continue to use the same affirmation until it becomes real for you (and then create a new one)...
Enjoy your practice!

If you'd like more insights about Yoga Nidra, check out this post Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation - WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY


xo, Bonnie

*Please note: relaxation and meditation practices may cause you to experience upsetting memories or difficult emotions.  While these practices can be a beneficial way to release these emotions and memories, it is important that you check with your health care provider before starting a relaxation/meditation practice if you feel you may have difficulties processing memories and emotions should they come up during practice.
The information presented here is for entertainment and informational purposes only.  The information in this post is subject to interpretation and is an expression of opinion.  It is not intended for, and does not replace professional, medical, legal, business, and/or health related opinions and advice. It is not a substitute for counselling or any other type of therapy, or medical advice from qualified professionals.  

Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation - WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and WHY....

The 5 Ws of Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation

Ok, so you're either curious about Yoga Nidra, or you've tried a few times, but want to understand it a bit more....I've got you covered!

In this post, I'll highlight the basics of Yoga Nidra.....the 5 Ws if you will.....who, what, where, when and why....  

Anyone can practice Yoga Nidra*.  No experience is necessary.  It's even great for kids.  Not to mention my dog Coconut loves to snuggle up to me when I practice during the day. It's a great place to start if you've never practiced meditation or relaxation techniques before because it's so EASY to do. 

Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation and type of Yoga that can be referred to as Yogic sleep. The purpose is to be guided so you can experience many levels of relaxation. After practicing for a while, you will notice that you float between being conscious and asleep. Yoga Nidra is also helpful to release emotions and focus on something you desire.

There are different ways to practice Yoga Nidra. First of all, make sure you're somewhere quiet to reduce distractions....

Traditionally it's practiced lying down in a supported position.  But if you prefer, you can practice sitting up straight in a seated position. Here are some tips on how you can support yourself to be super comfortable:

  • When you lie flat on your back, it can cause discomfort in your lower back, so it's important to place something under your knees like a bolster, rolled up towel, blanket or pillow. 
  • I also like to place yoga blocks or a smaller pillow under my feet if I'm lying on my yoga mat on the floor with my knees supported.
  • If you need to place something under your head, just use a very thin pillow. You want to ensure your chin is slightly tucked down towards your chest.
  • Lie down with your arms by your side and palms facing up, or hands can rest on the belly.
  • Your feet are just a bit more than hip width distance apart and your toes can flop out to the sides. 
  • I definitely recommend an eye pillow, eye mask or something to cover your eyes to block out the light.  Also having something like an eye pillow has a physiological effect on the body and can help you to relax even more.
  • It's important to be warm during practice. Sometimes when our bodies relax, our body temperature can go down.  Make sure you have a blanket to cover yourself so you are warm.
  • You could also practice lying on your side. Just make sure your head and top knee are supported.
I'm a huge advocate of practicing whenever you are able to fit it into your schedule. It helps to have a routine so that you can practice daily. 

If you don't already have a regular practice, I suggest listening at different times of the day to figure out what suits you best. Some people find it energizing and refreshing, so they prefer the mornings, others find it soothing and calming, so they prefer night time to get them ready for sleep.  Others need a break during the day, so it's great to do at your lunch hour to give your body and mind time to unwind.

Once you find a time that works for you, I do recommend practicing daily because you will start to see many benefits after developing a regular practice. 

When I first started out, I did it first thing in the morning. I actually did it lying in my bed before I got up. Many people will tell you not to meditate in bed because when you're in bed, your body knows it's for sleeping.  But at that point in my life, that's the only time I could do it, so I say whatever helps you start practicing is best.  Then later, you can change when and where you practice to suit your routine.  Just start any way you can.

Why practice Yoga Nidra anyway? Well, it helps to activate your relaxation response so you can give your body and mind time to unwind, be in the present moment and let go of the other stressors in your life. 

I used to think meditation was a waste of time. I didn't understand how "relaxing" and doing "nothing" could actually help you to feel better and make changes in your life. Well, now I know better.  When we meditate and give our bodies and mind the time it needs to break free from all of the noise of our regular lives, it can help us to see the bigger picture. New mindsets, ideas and beliefs can emerge when we focus on the present moment (not regretting the past and worrying about the future).

Ok so now you have a pretty good understanding of what Yoga Nidra is all about.....

If you don't already have access to my FREE Yoga Nidra guided meditation for Relaxation, click HERE to get access right away.  

I also offer virtual classes and courses.  Click below to see my current schedule.

I hope you love practicing Yoga Nidra as much as I do! 


xo Bonnie

*Please note: relaxation and meditation practices may cause you to experience upsetting memories or difficult emotions.  While these practices can be a beneficial way to release these emotions and memories, it is important that you check with your health care provider before starting a relaxation/meditation practice if you feel you may have difficulties processing memories and emotions should they come up during practice.
The information presented here is for entertainment and informational purposes only.  The information in this post is subject to interpretation and is an expression of opinion.  It is not intended for, and does not replace professional, medical, legal, business, and/or health related opinions and advice. It is not a substitute for counselling or any other type of therapy, or medical advice from qualified professionals.  


Sometimes I wish I was my dog.....
She seems to know how to truly be in the present moment. Like this morning, I was practicing yoga, and guess who showed up on my mat again??  Coconut. She was completely relaxed and didn’t seem to have any other cares in the world.

Then, later on Steve and I decided to go in the hot tub.  Although I was enjoying the sunshine and trying to relax on a Sunday afternoon, I couldn’t help but think of all the work I still had waiting for me inside. I was so annoyed with myself. It’s like I couldn’t wait to get out of the hot tub to go and do work!!  Why do we ruin perfectly great moments thinking about the future? 

Then I thought to myself, I rarely go in the hot tub and it’s beautiful out today and I don’t want to waste this opportunity.  So I closed my eyes and fully appreciated being in that moment. I’m so happy I did because it felt amazing. I was so grateful that I stopped the negative voice that kept telling me to go back inside and I actually gave myself permission to relax and enjoy my time.

When you take the time to appreciate and notice the moment it seems more real and can put things into perspective.

We spend so much time thinking about the past and worrying about the future. Hopefully this is a reminder to take a few minutes today to appreciate and notice the moment you’re in now.

xo, Bonnie

By the way...if you liked this post, click the link below to get access to my FREE Yoga Nidra Guided meditation for relaxation. 

The information presented here is for entertainment and informational purposes only.  The information in this post is subject to interpretation and is an expression of opinion.  It is not intended for, and does not replace professional, medical, legal, business, and/or health related opinions and advice. It is not a substitute for counselling or any other type of therapy, or medical advice from qualified professionals.  

Fresh Tomato and Vegetable Pasta Sauce in Just 15 Minutes!

Cherry Tomato and Vegetable Pasta Sauce You Can Whip up in Flash 
I LOVE pasta! I joke that I should have been born Italian because I really haven’t met a pasta that I didn’t like....In my fantasy world, pasta would be considered one of the major food groups.

Because I work from home, I don’t often prepare my lunches ahead of time (although I really should and remind myself of this almost every day). When I’m working, and lunch time rolls around, I usually stand in my pantry, starving at this point, and pray that the lunch fairies whip me up a delicious and healthy meal! Well, of course that doesn’t happen, so sometimes I resort to cooking pasta and adding a jar of premade tomato sauce (confession time....I love Costco’s White Linen pasta sauce when I’m hangry and in a hurry to make a quick meal).

But, whenever possible this girl prefers to cook from scratch so I like to have quick recipes to make especially during those times when the hunger meter is tipping the breaking point.

I really love this recipe for a few reasons:
  • It’s super quick to put together.
  • It’s a great way to use up vegetables that you have most likely forgotten about in the back of your fridge and are turning kinda wrinkly (you know what I mean).....
  • You can tailor it however you want. If you don’t like mushrooms, don’t add them. If you like spinach, add spinach....you get the idea. Basically add whatever vegetables you have on hand.
  • The base is olive oil, sautéed onions, garlic and cherry tomatoes. Whatever else you decide to add is really up to you.
This, my friend, is not a fussy recipe. Make it your own and you’ll be happy because you know exactly what’s in it and it cooks up in the same amount of time it takes to boil and cook your pasta. Win-win! 👏🏼

This sauce recipe makes enough for two servings of pasta.

  • 2 cups cherry tomatoes washed and cut in half
  • 1 small onion diced
  • 1/2 cup mushrooms sliced
  • 1 red pepper diced
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic crushed or finely chopped
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • A few leaves of fresh basil, or a pinch of dried basil 🌿 
  • Optional - Crushed red pepper flakes (or if you’re Portuguese like me, I guarantee you have a jar of “pimenta” in your fridge.  Go ahead and add some of that to your sauce. I know you will because we put that in everything we make!)

  • Begin boiling water for pasta and cook desired pasta according to directions on box.
  • Add olive oil to a large sauté pan, over medium heat.
  • Add onions, peppers and mushrooms and sauté for about 5 minutes until onions become translucent. 
  • Make sure to stir regularly to ensure the veggies aren’t burning.
  • Add garlic and sauté for 30 seconds.
  • Add tomatoes, salt, pepper and crushed red pepper flakes or pimenta, if using, and stir to combine.
  • Continue cooking over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until tomatoes have broken down and sauce thickens.
  • When pasta is finished cooking, add to sauce and stir to combine.
  • Top with freshly grated Parmesan cheese and enjoy! 
  • Bon appetit!
This is a great option for quick lunch and dinner ideas because it’s loaded with vegetables! I like to use lentil pastas for my dishes because it’s gluten free and full of fibre and protein!

Next time you’re praying for your own lunch fairies to deliver you a meal, know that you can whip this one up in a flash!  Enjoy. 😋

xo, Bonnie

By the way...if you need a little relaxation in your life, click the link below to get access to my FREE Yoga Nidra Guided meditation for relaxation. 

The information presented here is for entertainment and informational purposes only.  The information in this post is subject to interpretation and is an expression of opinion.  It is not intended for, and does not replace professional, medical, legal, business, and/or health related opinions and advice. It is not a substitute for counselling or any other type of therapy, or medical advice from qualified professionals.  
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