Welcome to my monthly blog post where I create a positive affirmation inspired by a card reading for the month of October! Feel free to embrace this intention as your guiding light for the month (or for as long as it speaks to you)!

This month's tarot reading serves as a reminder that your own compassion and kindness can transform the world around you.

Explore the detailed card reading below and embrace whatever resonates with you, while letting go of anything that doesn't. Remember, powerful messages have a way of finding you when you open your heart and pay attention.  πŸ’•

Intention Setting CARD Reading

It's finally October and I can officially use my Halloween inspired tarot decks. πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸŽƒπŸ‘»


The Queen of Ghosts, known as the Queen of Cups in traditional tarot, embodies the essence of compassion, nurturing, and kindness. She is gently calling you to reflect on how you can infuse these qualities into your own life. How often do you truly take the time to nurture yourself? Perhaps this card is inviting you to embrace self-care and kindness for your own heart or encouraging you to seek out someone who can offer you these gentle gifts. Alternatively, it might be your turn to be a source of support for someone who needs your warmth and understanding.

As the most intuitive and kindest Queen in the Tarot, she encourages you to trust where your intuition is leading you. If you feel drawn to deepen your own intuition, now is the perfect time to explore practices that will enhance your intuitive abilities. With Cups symbolizing the element of water, ask yourself: where can you introduce more flow into your life? Just like water gracefully navigates around obstacles, let compassion and kindness help you to move through life with greater ease and grace.

Below are positive affirmations that resonate with the energy of the Queen of Ghosts/Cups:

  • I am surrounded by love and supportive energy
  • I trust my intuition and inner guidance
  • I am compassionate towards myself and others
  • I am a source of comfort and support to others


The Seven of Pumpkins (Pentacles in a traditional tarot deck) invites you to pause and thoughtfully assess the efforts you've invested so far. This card is associated to the Earth element, and often touches upon aspects of family, health, career, wealth or those other tangible parts of your life. You've dedicated time and energy to this situation, but you may be feeling impatient if you haven't seen any results just yet.

Embrace this moment as an opportunity to identify what’s working and where small adjustments might yield even better results. Rushing won't serve you now—time and patience are your friends. Those seeds you've planted are sprouting beneath the surface, even if you can't see them yet. In our fast-paced world, waiting can be a challenge, but it's a valuable lesson that you are being called to learn now.

With a heart full of compassion and kindness, where can you cultivate patience and introspection at this time? As I like to associate Pentacles with gratitude, consider how you can appreciate the journey you've been on and find gratitude in the progress, however subtle, that you've achieved so far.

Below are affirmations that align with the energy of the Seven of Pumpkins (Pentacles):

  • I reflect on my journey and appreciate my progress
  • My patience is my strength; I trust the timing of my life
  • I move towards my goals with clarity and determination

seven of IMPS (wands)

When the Seven of Imps (Wands in traditional tarot) appears, it highlights the themes of challenge, perseverance, and standing up for what you believe in. Viewing this card through a lens of compassion and kindness invites you to navigate life's trials with an open heart, where kindness becomes the foundation for resilience and unwavering determination.

Ask yourself, "What am I standing up for, and how can I do so with love and empathy?" Reflect on whether you're defending your own limitations or embarking on a journey fueled by love and understanding. It's easy to get caught in defending our fears, but consider the profound transformation possible when you stand up for your values with compassion. In doing so, you create a ripple effect of positivity, benefiting not just yourself, but also those around you. Instead of battling limitations, focus on championing those things that nurture and support your growth!

Below are affirmations that represent the energy of the Seven of Imps (Wands):

  • My strength lies in my ability to respond with love
  • I embrace my inner strength and power
  • My perseverance is rooted in love and kindness

questions you can contemplate: πŸ€” 

Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection and growth. If any of these resonate with you, take your time as you reflect and allow your thoughts and feelings to flow.  Be open to the insights and clarity that may arise.  

  • In what ways can I offer compassion to myself and others?
  • Where in my life do I need to trust my intuition more?
  • What seeds have I planted that are now requiring patience and attention?
  • In what ways am I staying committed to my core values and priorities at this time in my life?


  • Write it down and put it where you can see it regularly (bathroom mirror, desk, beside table, wallet, etc).
  • Say it several times a day clearly affirming it - you can stand in a power pose (like running across the finish line), hands on hips (like Wonder Woman), placing your hands on your heart, or even doing a little dance.  Whatever makes you feel like this intention is possible when you say it, then do that!
  • Visualize for just a few minutes each day your intention as if it has already come true.
  • Practice your favourite Yoga Nidra meditation that allows you to state your intention during the practice.  When the mind and body are relaxed, your mind is much more susceptible to suggestions, so this can help make this intention become true for you even quicker than by doing it on a conscious level alone.  
    • If you haven't done so already, you can sign up to receive access to listen to my free Yoga Nidra meditation here.

If you enjoyed this post, consider having a card reading.

Hey there!  Just a quick head's up, you definitely want to be on my email list so you don't miss a thing.  As a bonus, you'll get exclusive access to my FREE Yoga Nidra meditation to help you get that deep rest you've been craving!   

Tune into my podcast πŸŽ™ The Tarot Table with Bonnie and Peter - where we share tips, insights and ways to bring tarot into your daily life!  Enjoy. πŸ’•

Check us out on:

YouTube: @TarotBandP

The information presented here is for entertainment and informational purposes only.  The information in this post is subject to interpretation and is an expression of opinion.  It is not intended for, and does not replace professional, medical, legal, business, and/or health related opinions and advice. It is not a substitute for counselling or any other type of therapy, or medical advice from qualified professionals.  


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