Welcome to my monthly blog post where I create a positive affirmation inspired by a card reading for the month of February! Feel free to embrace this intention as your guiding light for the month (or for as long as it speaks to you)!

This month's card reading serves as a reminder to be open to welcoming new ideas and possibilities! 

Explore the detailed card reading below and embrace whatever resonates with you, while letting go of anything that doesn't. Remember, powerful messages have a way of finding you when you open your heart and pay attention.  💕

Intention Setting CARD Reading

ace of swords

Aces in the tarot represent new beginnings and pure potential, and the Ace of Swords is no exception. It signifies a powerful breakthrough, the emergence of new ideas, and a sense of clarity. When this card shows up, you can expect solutions to problems to come into focus, a-ha moments and a sharpened sense of purpose when it comes to your goals. It's like the universe is handing you a sword and encouraging you to cut through any confusion or mental clutter that's been holding you back.

The Ace of Swords is also a symbol of truth and honesty. Since the swords suit deals with communication through words and thoughts, this card is an invitation to take a closer look at how we use our thoughts and words when we communicate with ourselves and others. What truths are we telling, and what limiting beliefs are we holding onto? The Ace of Swords is here to help us cut through those limiting beliefs so we can see the truth of who we really are at our core.

It's time to get crystal clear on what you want and to plant the seed of that new idea. When our minds are cluttered with thoughts, it can be tough to listen to those new ideas or have those breakthroughs. But the Ace of Swords is inviting you to calm your mind, tune into the silence, and give space for those new ideas and insights to emerge. It's giving you the courage to act upon them and embrace the opportunities that come your way. When an Ace offers you an invitation, it's wise to accept it with open arms!

Here's to new beginnings, sharpened thoughts, powerful breakthroughs, and the liberating power of truth!

Below are positive affirmations that resonate with the energy of the Ace of Swords:

  • I am clear and focused.
  • I embrace truth and honesty.
  • I make decisions with confidence.
  • I welcome breakthroughs and new beginnings.
  • My mind is clear and calm.
If you need help making a decision, a card reading may be just what you need.  Book a reading with me to gain clarity and open up to new possibilities!

questions you can contemplate: 🤔 

Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection and growth. If any of these resonate with you, take your time as you reflect and allow your thoughts and feelings to flow.  Be open to the insights and clarity that may arise.

  • Where do I need more clarity in my life?
  • What decisions am I struggling to make?
  • What new perspectives am I open to exploring?
  • Where do I need to be more honest with myself?
  • What areas of my life feel foggy or unclear?
  • What old thought patterns am I ready to let go of?


  • Write it down and put it where you can see it regularly (bathroom mirror, desk, beside table, wallet, etc).
  • Say it several times a day clearly affirming it - you can stand in a power pose (like running across the finish line), hands on hips (like Wonder Woman), placing your hands on your heart, or even doing a little dance.  Whatever makes you feel like this intention is possible when you say it, then do that!
  • Visualize for just a few minutes each day your intention as if it has already come true.
  • Practice your favourite Yoga Nidra meditation that allows you to state your intention during the practice.  When the mind and body are relaxed, your mind is much more susceptible to suggestions, so this can help make this intention become true for you even quicker than by doing it on a conscious level alone.  
    • If you haven't done so already, you can sign up to receive access to listen to my free Yoga Nidra meditation here.

If you enjoyed this post, consider having a card reading.


Hey there!  Just a quick head's up, you definitely want to be on my email list so you don't miss a thing.  As a bonus, you'll get exclusive access to my FREE Yoga Nidra meditation to help you get that deep rest you've been craving!   


Tune into my podcast 🎙 Tarot with Bonnie and Peter - where we share tips, insights and ways to bring tarot into your daily life!  Enjoy. 💕

Check us out!




The information presented here is for entertainment and informational purposes only.  The information in this post is subject to interpretation and is an expression of opinion.  It is not intended for, and does not replace professional, medical, legal, business, and/or health related opinions and advice. It is not a substitute for counselling or any other type of therapy, or medical advice from qualified professionals.  


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