Welcome to my monthly blog post where I create a simple intention inspired by a card reading for the month of August! Feel free to embrace this intention as your guiding light for the month (or for as long as it speaks to you)!

This month's tarot reading serves as a reminder to give and receive with an open heart.

Explore the detailed card reading below and embrace whatever resonates with you, while letting go of anything that doesn't. Remember, powerful messages have a way of finding you when you open your heart and pay attention.  💕

Intention Setting CARD Reading

6 of pentacles

Where do you currently find yourself on the spectrum of giving and receiving? The Six of Pentacles offers a gentle nudge to share your resources, warmly inviting you to extend your generosity. This doesn't have to be limited to finances—although it may be, if you're able—but can include sharing your wisdom, time, support, and friendship with those who could use a bit of kindness right now.

On the other side of the coin, this card also encourages you to seek help when you need it. It can often feel easier to give of yourself and your resources than to reach out for support. Yet, it's essential to remember that we flourish in community; we all need to give and receive help at different points in our lives. 

If asking for assistance feels challenging, take some time to explore why that might be. Requesting help is not a sign of weakness; in fact, it can be an act of bravery. You are worthy of support, and people around you are often more than willing to lend a hand. Think of how good it makes you feel to help someone in need?  Now imagine the joy someone else can receive by offering support to you.  

Embrace your worthiness and allow the magic of giving and receiving to enhance your life.

Here are a few positive affirmations that align with the energy of the 6 of Pentacles:

Abundance flows to me and through me
I am worthy of receiving help
I lovingly share my blessings
I open my heart to acts of kindness
I cultivate gratitude through sharing

Knight of cups

The Knight of Cups invites you to embrace your inner romantic and dreamer. Knights represent action, and this card prompts you to pursue your dreams or find ways to inject romance or delight into your own life. Too often, we wait for someone else to create magical moments, expecting others to fulfill our need for affection and appreciation which undoubtedly leads to frustration and disappointment. Pleasing others might come naturally, but loving and pleasing ourselves is a whole different story. Remember, no one knows how to make you happy better than you do!

This Knight proudly wears their heart on their sleeve, unafraid to be vulnerable and open with their emotions. They are deeply in love with love itself, savouring the beauty in every moment.

So, how can you tap into the energy of the Knight of Cups? Maybe it's time to plan a picnic with your partner, bestie, or a family member?  Or, you might feel inspired to paint pottery, create music, write poetry, dance, or do something else artistic! The Knight of Cups grants you permission to indulge in something creative or that you love to do. Trust your instincts and let your heart guide you!

It's also worth mentioning that the Knight of Cups is highly intuitive. So, as we set our intention for the month through the lens of this compassionate Knight, let's reflect on how we can both give and receive love for ourselves and others. Whether through grand gestures or quiet, personal moments, embody the spirit of the Knight of Cups and let your heart lead the way.

Below are a few positive affirmations that align with the energy of the Knight of Cups:

I express my emotions with grace and authenticity
My heart guides me towards my true passions and dreams
I embrace my creativity and allow it to flourish
Love and compassion flow effortlessly from me to others
I am open to new romantic and artistic experiences

XIII -Death

Ah, the Death card — often one of the most misunderstood and feared cards in the Tarot deck. We’ve all seen those dramatic movie scenes where the Death card appears, and everyone gasps in horror. It’s no wonder that some people feel apprehensive about Tarot readings! But let’s take a step back and uncover the true, compassionate message behind this powerful card.

The Death card gently encourages us to release what no longer serves us. Whether it’s outdated ideas, limiting beliefs, stagnant relationships, or unfulfilling careers, the time has come to let go. Think of it as weeding your garden so that new, vibrant growth can flourish. Life is an ever-evolving cycle of metaphorical death and rebirth. While it's natural to fear the unknown, clinging to the familiar, even when it no longer benefits us, can hold us back from our full potential.

So, ask yourself: What are you ready to release to create space for something new? In one of my podcast episodes, Peter and I discussed the Death card and likened it to clearing out your closet to make room for fresh, new outfits. When our closets are packed with clothes we no longer wear, we can’t easily bring in new items that bring us joy and confidence. Holding onto these old pieces takes up valuable space.

Reflect on what you might be holding onto that’s preventing your growth. Whether it's a belief, a fear, a material possession, a toxic relationship, or something else, letting go can be challenging. Be kind and patient with yourself during this process. Seeking support from friends, family, a therapist, healer or a coach can make the journey smoother. And remember, transformation is part of the natural flow of life — just think of a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. 🦋

Embrace the opportunity for renewal that the Death card offers. After all, every ending is simply a new beginning in disguise.

Here are a few positive affirmations that may help you harness the transformative energy of the Death card:

I embrace change as a pathway to growth and renewal
I release what no longer serves me and make room for new beginnings
I create space for exciting new adventures
I find freedom in letting go and moving on
I welcome new beginnings and a fresh start

Putting it all together.....

This month's tarot reading brings powerful insights, focusing on the balance between giving and receiving, embracing creativity, and welcoming transformation. The Six of Pentacles encourages us to share our wisdom, time, and resources generously, while also reminding us that accepting help is crucial for our own well-being. By embracing this duality, we enhance our lives, recognizing that both giving and receiving are vital for our growth and happiness.

The Knight of Cups calls upon us to embrace our inner dreamer, injecting romance and creativity into our daily lives. This card encourages the pursuit of personal dreams and creating magical moments for ourselves, rather than waiting for others to provide them. Trust your instincts, indulge in creative ventures, and let your heart guide you, embodying the Knight's intuitive and romantic energy.

Lastly, the Death card, often misunderstood, symbolizes the release of outdated beliefs and the embrace of new beginnings. This is a perfect time to let go of what no longer serves you, making space for transformative growth. Reflect on what needs to be released and welcome the opportunity for renewal, turning endings into powerful new beginnings.

May this month's tarot reading inspire you to find balance, pursue your dreams with creativity, and embrace transformative change.

questions you can contemplate: 🤔 

Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection and growth. If any of these resonate with you, take your time as you reflect and allow your thoughts and feelings to flow.  Be open to the insights and clarity that may arise.  

  • How do I currently balance giving and receiving in my life?
  • When was the last time I gave selflessly, and how did it make me feel?
  • Who can I ask for support at this time?
  • How do I express my emotions, and are there ways I can improve this communication?
  • What new creative or romantic adventures could I pursue to enrich my life?
  • Do I believe my dreams are worth pursuing?  What is one thing I can do to take action on this dream?
  • What is something in my life that I need to let go of to make room for something new?
  • How do I typically handle change and how can I embrace transformation with a positive mindset?


  • Write it down and put it where you can see it regularly (bathroom mirror, desk, beside table, wallet, etc).
  • Say it several times a day clearly affirming it - you can stand in a power pose (like running across the finish line), hands on hips (like Wonder Woman), placing your hands on your heart, or even doing a little dance.  Whatever makes you feel like this intention is possible when you say it, then do that!
  • Visualize for just a few minutes each day your intention as if it has already come true.
  • Practice your favourite Yoga Nidra meditation that allows you to state your intention during the practice.  When the mind and body are relaxed, your mind is much more susceptible to suggestions, so this can help make this intention become true for you even quicker than by doing it on a conscious level alone.  
    • If you haven't done so already, you can sign up to receive access to listen to my free Yoga Nidra meditation here.

If you enjoyed this post, consider having a card reading.

Hey there!  Just a quick head's up, you definitely want to be on my email list so you don't miss a thing.  As a bonus, you'll get exclusive access to my FREE Yoga Nidra meditation to help you get that deep rest you've been craving!   

Tune into my podcast 🎙 The Tarot Table with Bonnie and Peter - where we share tips, insights and ways to bring tarot into your daily life!  Enjoy. 💕

Check us out on:

You Tube: @TarotTableBandP

The information presented here is for entertainment and informational purposes only.  The information in this post is subject to interpretation and is an expression of opinion.  It is not intended for, and does not replace professional, medical, legal, business, and/or health related opinions and advice. It is not a substitute for counselling or any other type of therapy, or medical advice from qualified professionals.