As the holiday season approaches, many of us are caught up in a whirlwind of activities, obligations, and never-ending to-do lists. It's easy to feel overwhelmed, losing ourselves amidst the chaos. However, this is also a great time for self-care and introspection. For many of us, the holidays can present a unique mix of challenges and joys, making it crucial to carve out moments of peace and clarity.

Through practices like self-care, relaxation, and self-discovery, we can navigate this bustling season with grace and calm. Today, I invite you to explore a tarot or oracle spread designed specifically to bring calm in the midst of chaos.

Card 1: What is Currently Overwhelming Me?

The first step to addressing overwhelm is identifying its source. The first card in this spread uncovers what's currently weighing on your heart and mind.  Allow this card to highlight where your energy is being drained. Awareness is the first step toward change.

Remember to breathe deeply as you draw this card, grounding yourself. When stress is identified, it often loses some of its power over us. Let the card be a mirror reflecting what needs attention in your life right now.

Card 2: How Can I Find Peace in the Present Moment?

It's so easy to get tangled in the web of past regrets or future worries, but true peace is found only in the present. This card guides you to practices or mindsets that can anchor you back to the now. 

Card 3: What Action Can I Take to Nurture Myself?

Self-care isn't just a luxury—it's a necessity. The third card in this spread invites you to recognize actions that can nurture your body, mind, and soul. 

Card 4: How Are Others Affecting My Mood?

During the holidays, interactions with family and friends can be both joyful and stressful. This card sheds light on how the moods and actions of those around you influence your emotional state. 

It's essential to approach this reflection with compassion—for both others and yourself. Relationships during the holiday season are a dance that requires balance and understanding. By recognizing these influences, you can strive to maintain a peaceful atmosphere, choosing when to engage and when to step back.

Card 5: Where Can I Find My Internal Peaceful Place?

The final card in this spread is a powerful reminder that your internal place of peace is always accessible. This card provides guidance on how to return to this sanctuary within you. You may even be inspired by the image on the card to paint a picture of a peaceful place.  Remember you don't have to rely on card meanings alone.  Look beyond traditional meanings and notice what this card is really showing you.

As you journey through this card spread, let it guide you back to your centre—a place of peace that is unwavering, regardless of the external world. The holiday season can serve as a reminder to cherish and nurture oneself, finding joy in the simple, intentional moments.

This time of year is an invitation to slow down and rediscover what truly matters to you. By using this card spread and incorporating supportive practices like yoga nidra meditation, you can navigate the holidays with a sense of calm and clarity.

For additional support, be sure to reach out. I'm here to guide you on this journey toward rediscovering your joy and nurturing the abundant life you deserve. Let's transform the chaos of the holidays into a celebration of calm and connection. 

Wishing you a holiday season of peace, reflection, and endless joy!

If you enjoyed this post, consider having a card reading.

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The information presented here is for entertainment and informational purposes only.  The information in this post is subject to interpretation and is an expression of opinion.  It is not intended for, and does not replace professional, medical, legal, business, and/or health related opinions and advice. It is not a substitute for counselling or any other type of therapy, or medical advice from qualified professionals.  


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