The BEST Banana Gluten Free Pancake Recipe
Breakfast is seriously my favourite meal of the day. I'm not sure why....maybe it's because I'm a morning person, or the fact that I'm always hungry and after not eating for like 12 hours gets me kinda hangry in the morning..... Whatever it may be, I LOVE my breakfasts!
Which brings me to the all star pancake. Pancakes hold a special place in my heart. My mom absolutely loves pancakes and we used to make them together when I was growing up. I'm actually surprised I still love pancakes as much as I do because my mom's version always had bran in them (yep, they did...) and she notoriously over cooked them. But maybe it's the time we spent cooking together that keeps the memories so enjoyable. And now for the bit or irony, my mom uses my pancake recipe now - and no more bran to be found in the batter!
Being gluten free isn't always easy when you're trying to feed a family of non-gluten free people. Pancakes are no exception. I used to make two separate pancake recipes - one for me and one for my family. And then I had an epiphany. Since I'm the only one who cooks, they have no choice but to eat what I'm making...and so the story goes. They now eat my gluten free pancakes a few times a week and they are filled with protein and fruit, so I feel good knowing they are getting a diverse range of nutrients! Having a lot of banana in the recipe kind of distracts from the gluten free taste side effect - you know what I'm talking about! I also cheat a little and add a chopped up (gluten free) chocolate sandwich cookie to their pancakes and voila - cookies and cream gluten free pancakes.....who can say no to that?
I hope you love this recipe as much as me and my family do!
Serves 4
- 4 ripe bananas
- 4 eggs
- 1 TBSP maple syrup
- 1 TBSP baking powder
- 1 cup gluten free flour blend of your choice (if you're not gluten free, you can use all purpose flour)
- pinch of salt
- butter for greasing pan
Mix all ingredients, except flour in a blender until smooth.
Pour wet ingredients into a large mixing bowl.
Add flour and whisk until no lumps remain.
Butter non stick pan or griddle and measure 1/4 cup of batter per pancake.
Cook on medium to low heat.
Gently flip when pancakes have small bubbles forming on top. Note: These are very fragile pancakes when flipping. Be gentle and I promise you'll get your grove on in no time when it comes to flipping these babies. Patience and experience will be your friend.
Cook for a couple of more minutes until pancake is cooked through.
Don't forget you can add endless options for toppings, or mix into the batter. I always cook one cup of frozen wild blueberries and add to my stack of pancakes along with hemp hearts. You could also try adding chocolate chips to the batter. The possibilities are endless!

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