Nurture Inner Peace and Savour the Serenity of Autumn

In this blog post, we explore the significance of fall and offer easy activities to help enhance your well-being during this transformative season. Fall symbolizes a period of transition and letting go, inviting you to embrace the changing colours, cooler weather, and shorter days. Connecting with nature is a powerful way to invite relaxation, whether through hiking in the beautiful autumn scenery or taking a nature walk to immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and scents of the season. Diffusing essential oils like cinnamon, clove, ginger, and nutmeg can create a cozy atmosphere at home, while self-care rituals and nurturing the body and mind through gentle exercises and yoga nidra meditation help establish tranquility and release stress. Embracing the abundance of seasonal delights and incorporating gratitude into your relaxation practice uplifts the spirit and fosters a positive mindset.

Intention of the Month - Autumn 2023 🍁 🍂

In this seasonal blog post, the intention for this autumn season is about confidently taking action towards achieving your dreams. The card reading provides guidance and encouragement, inviting you to take bold action and pursue your dreams while remaining rational and focused. It also encourages releasing worries, shifting perspective, and embracing self-care, compassion, and nurturing moments. You're invited to write down the intention, saying it affirmatively, visualizing its fulfillment, and practicing Yoga Nidra meditation to support its manifestation. This blog post also offers a detailed card reading and prompts for contemplation. 


Intention of the Month - September 2023

This month's intention is all about having the freedom to express yourself authentically, letting go of outdated rules and embracing the joy of being your true, fabulous self. Take a step back, evaluate your commitments, and make time for self-care and activities that bring you joy. Step out of the shadows and let your light shine brightly, inspiring others along the way. Follow your passions with enthusiasm and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal fulfillment. Find a balance between responsibilities and self-care, and embrace the Empress within you, recognizing your own worthiness and the abundance already present in your life. Release any obstacles and welcome limitless possibilities!


Lost in Laundry Land: Hilarious Signs You Need to Meditate, Mom!

In this hilarious and relatable blog post, we explore the telltale signs that indicate it's time for busy moms to start meditating, specifically through the practice of Yoga Nidra. From wearing yoga pants as a daily uniform to losing track of rooms in your own home, these signs serve as a humorous reminder that moms need to prioritize self-care. Yoga Nidra, a guided meditation practice, offers a chance for moms to reclaim "me time," reduce stress, improve sleep quality, boost creativity, enhance self-awareness, and improve focus and clarity. So, fellow supermoms, it's time to give yourself the gift of meditation and watch your superpowers soar to new heights!

Intention of the Month - August 2023

This month's intention is all about diligence, taking action towards your desires, letting go of what no longer serves you, and focusing on what you want to attract into your life.  You are encouraged to prioritize what is important to you and to reflect on how you are working towards your own desires. You're invited to take inspired action and follow your passions. You may also want to take inventory and see if you need to let go of something that is holding you back. Finally, you're being reminded to focus on what you want and believe that your wishes can come true. Reflecting on these questions can help guide you on your journey: What are you diligently working towards? Is there something you are ready to walk away from? What lights you up inside? If you could wish upon a star, what would you wish for?
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